Is Wadia 861se close to the best?

I have the opportunity to buy a Wadia 861se, essentially new, for an excellent price. I have been waiting for the new Spectral CD player, but the Wadia price is tempting. Is the Wadia comparable to the best?
the esoteric p70/d70 combo which i own has more depth
and detailing far superior to anything that i have heard.
add a power cord. you reach nirvana.
I had Great Northern Sound update my Audio Research preamp.The job that was done was utterly spectacular.Meticulous attention to detail and performance that shocked,so much so that a friend immediately had the same work done.Not cheap,but,worth every cent.Thus,I would not hesitate to have the 861 work done.GNS is not a sales oriented operation.They are result oriented.Also,the diff. between the 861 and the 861se is in the transport.When you get to this level of performance(all units mentioned are superb)to actually agonize over the differences between this level of componentry is absurd.Not that there are not differences,but,it is more like saying Angelina Jolie is better looking than Charlize Theron.Rediculous!By the way,Nicole Kiddman owns the Levinson 390s.Just as good,and a bit less expensive,though,not cheap.
Does the esoteric p70/d70 combo have a built-in preamp like the Wadia and Mark Levinson players??
with that budget, I would suggest to go for transport + DAC. IMO, one box player is never near the quality of transport + DAC. Good luck!