Theta Generation VIII & Wadia 270?


I'm Looking for some suggestions by current owners for a transport to use with the Generation VIII.
Any match with Wadia 270?
I have 800 cd's (no SACD at all!).

Thanks for advance,


Although I haven't heard it, I have read the Theta Jitter Jail card is supposed to make the transport irrelevant. Has anyone tried different transports with this card installed? (I thought there was a review that confirmed this but very vague memory. Hopefully someone with firsthand experience with the Jitter Jail can comment further.)
Jitter reduction is essential. I have two Apogee Big Bens in my system for this purpose. But anyone who thinks that jitter reduction in and of itself makes the transport "irrelevant" is way off base. Reduction in jitter allows a really good transport to differentiate itself from mediocre competitors.


In theory, the Wadia 270 is in a different league for redbook playback.
What about the different clock in the 2 componnets?

The Wadia has an ultra-stable TCXO clock that is pretty amazing. I'm not sure what they've done in the Compli in this regard.
