Best SACD for under $1200

Anyone have any recommendations, or should I keep saving for something better?

Genesis V speakers
Threshold T200 amp
Pass Labs X-1 pre
B&K AVR305 Surround processor/surround amps
Source too crappy to mention
Find a used Sony SCD-C555ES 5 disc SACD changer and have it modified by

Here's a link to a really good review of this player after the mods.

You can find the player for about 5 to 6 hundred dollars used and the mods cost $600.(Mods include and IEC receptacle so you can add a better power cord).

Before you rule out this idea, go to the link and read the review. I think you might want to consider this option. I just bought my 555 and I'll be getting the mods done in January.

Good luck
Spend a little more and you can get really top-notch sound.

Options --

1) Denon 2900, Universal Player, modified and upgraded.
(around 1,700).

2) Denon 5900, Universal Player [Around 2,000 and can be
modified and upgraded further]

3) Marantz SA-14, can be found used for around 1,400.

4) Sony SCD XA777ES, CD/SACD. {can be found used for
around $1,500 and can be modified and upgraded further].

I'm a fan of the Sony SCDXA777ES CD/SACD player. I've had
it my system, bought them as gifts for friends and relatives, and
have head the player in many different systems -- sounds great.
Excellent with CD and even better with SACD.
I would like to add the Sony DVP9000ES. Excellent SACD sound(not very far at all from the xa777es)even though it plays DVD video. They sell for around $600 used. They are built like a tank.
I owned the XA777ES and it's an excellent unit, spend the extra $300.00. You won't be sorry.
Don't mean to beat the drum for my suggestion, but I don't recommend a Sony SACD/DVD. I suggest getting the Sony SCD XA777ES and combining it with something like a used Denon DVD-1600, or a new Denon DVD-1200, which are excellent DVD players and also play DVD-A. In two boxes, you've got every format covered, top quality CD and SACD playback, and a great DVD player. All for less than $2,000. I'm not a fan of Sony DVD players. The Denon DVD-5900 is interesting, it is a Universal Player for around $2,000, but some people are complaining about "macro-blocking" in the DVD play-back. I haven't heard it, so I cannot comment on its SACD play-back compared to the Sony SCD XA777ES, but the music play-back on all formats is getting
some favorable reviews from early purchasers, although I've only
read reviews from Videophiles, not audiophiles. Bottom line: I
can highly recommend the Sony because I've heard it in so many
different systems at so many different price points, I feel confident it will sound great in any system. The Denon DVD-1600 is a great DVD player, passed the "Secrets" shoot-out with flying colors, I have never heard a complaint about its DVD play-back, I bought one for my younger brother so I have spent some time with it and can personally recommend it. I believe you can get better sound
and DVD playback by splitting them into two boxes. Don't mean to be pushy -- that's just my opinion.