Best SACD for under $1200

Anyone have any recommendations, or should I keep saving for something better?

Genesis V speakers
Threshold T200 amp
Pass Labs X-1 pre
B&K AVR305 Surround processor/surround amps
Source too crappy to mention
I agree with Gregm the Philips 963 is a very capable unit which has been tested against more expensive players. The best in the price category. Some have gone as far as saying it beats the Denon 2900 in all departments.
Thanks for the responses, guys - I'll give as many of these a listen as I can and let you know what I come up with.

marantz sa-8260.

incredible redbook and sacd too ( i would dare say the redbook is 95% close to sacd). it is that good - the
reviews are true.

would sugggest buying new- there have been problems with toc/servo/transport issues.

also the philips 963 would be my second choice.

hope that helps !!

After reading about all of the suggestions for mods to various players, I am wondering if I should consider modding my existing players (Denon DCM-460 for CD, and a JVC XV-NA70BK DVD) or modding the planned upgrades (heavily considering a universal player). Are there any websites or companies that you folks could recommend regarding such mods?

Thanks, Tom.