KRELL SACD or TEAC Esoteric DV-50

Anyone has compared these two players?

Please share your findings... Which one should I get? Suggestions/recommendations are greatly appreciated.
I have the Krell and I am shocked at how good it is playing regular cd's. It has been in my system now for 30 days and left on constantly. I have not listened for a week or more and was blown away by how much bigger more defined the staging has become. Will it get bigger and better? The stage is wall to wall and floor to ceiling now. If it grows more I wiil have to remove a wall and jack up the ceiling..Tom
I auditioned the Esoteric DV-50 and thought it's way overrated. The sound was thin, digital and tinny, like most Japanese digital. I have also heard a Krell KPS28c in my system and it was marvelous. I understand the SACD Standard is derived from it and sounds similar. In short, the Esoteric stinks, stick with an American player.
The two new bigger brothers of the TEAC DV-50 really look like killer machines. Both use the new VRDS-NEO CD/SACD/DVD mechanism. The big questions are price and availability in Europe and the US.

See ( is your friend...)

Qualified guess: VRDS-NEO will be the mechanism in Wadia's new multiformat-transport that is due this summer.