KRELL SACD or TEAC Esoteric DV-50

Anyone has compared these two players?

Please share your findings... Which one should I get? Suggestions/recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Mak: You have put your finger on a possible flaw in my comparasion of the Linn vs the DV-50. The Linn is heard on a system built around Quad ESL-63's, compared to my system which is anchored by Genesis V's. I hope to get both players into the same system before too long.
I owned the Teac.
Overall it is a very good machine.
I sold it because for my tastes, its sonic signature was slightly cold.
I have tube equipment and prefer a more musical sound.
Larry k.: If the DV-50 is "slightly cold" sounding (and I sort of agree), then what universal player (other than the very expensive Linn Unidisk) is "warmer" sounding? UNIVERSAL player --- not SACD alone.
I now am using a Pioneer DVD 59avi as a transport with a Musical Fidelity Tri Vista DAC 21.
Very musical, warm with 96 upsampling, not warm with 192 upsampling. Very detailed with both.
Although it is not broken in, I am very impressed. So far, I just may keep it.
Had a totally modded Denon 2900 prior to the Esoteric and it didnt cut it.
I'm going to stick my neck out and say that the Krell SACD Standard is the best value in digital right now. $2800 used and it is equal to the Wadia 861 I had on cd and equal to the Marantz SA-1 I had on SACD. I've had dcs and Pass dacs with a cec transport that sounded better on cd, but it should for that much $. I find the cd replay on the Krell just great and the sacd is a bonus. Spend your money on music.