KRELL SACD or TEAC Esoteric DV-50

Anyone has compared these two players?

Please share your findings... Which one should I get? Suggestions/recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Irishdog, have you listened to both players in the same system; either in yours or your friend's?

Mak: You have put your finger on a possible flaw in my comparasion of the Linn vs the DV-50. The Linn is heard on a system built around Quad ESL-63's, compared to my system which is anchored by Genesis V's. I hope to get both players into the same system before too long.
I owned the Teac.
Overall it is a very good machine.
I sold it because for my tastes, its sonic signature was slightly cold.
I have tube equipment and prefer a more musical sound.
Larry k.: If the DV-50 is "slightly cold" sounding (and I sort of agree), then what universal player (other than the very expensive Linn Unidisk) is "warmer" sounding? UNIVERSAL player --- not SACD alone.