I would like to know if any current owner of the Teac out there compared the esoteric between the emc, audiomeca mephisto and any other high end cd player in redbook cd. Any info will be greatly appreicated.
I owned a Dodson Dac with my original Audiomeca Mephisto transport and I felt that the Dodson had a great sound stage and good bottom/midrange, but occasionally the highs were "in my face"... I now have a newer Audiomeca transport and Dac and feel that it is a very slightly better combination. I think I lost a little in the soundstage and in transcient response (very slight change), but the high end is smooth and easy to listen to for hours.
I have the latest combo as well. Mephisto II X and Enkianthus X. I got to know 'Meca through their inexpensive Obsession player and I was so impressed and bought the top of the line separates. Inquisitive A'goners will wonder, then, why I've had my set up for sale. Mainly for simplicity's sake and general downsizing...
I have Mephisto II integrated for the red book cd's and it is fabulus, also a Sony 999es for dvd's and sacd's.
Go for Mephisto and remember the esoteric's dvd department is way back (10bit/54mhz ) in picture and also you always loose more money on dvd's.