Upgrade my Jolida on the cheap

I have had the JD100 cdp, bought new, for a couple of months now and had purchased it with a more 'budget' system in mind. Along the way I acquired a better preamp and amp than I anticipated (combination of good deals and lust).
Now, although I love the way my system sounds and can attribute some of this to the dear Jolida, I am wondering if I can do better for not loads more by dipping into the used market. Specifically, I could do with a bit more detail and soundstaging, along with some more refinement. Now the Jolida is no slouch imho in any of these areas, but it IS a sub-$1K player....?
I know, the grass is always greener, but isn't this what being an audiophile is all about?
What can I go to in the used market (but not too used) for about $1200 or so that will obviously better the JD? Or am I better off buying nice tubes for the JD?
The Sony DVP-S9000ES is going for about $600-650 now. It's stock redbook is very impressive. If you can solder you can turn it into a monster for very little investment, or what I consider very little, under $150. Replace the caps in the audio section with Black Gates, I know, Silmics are supposed to be great, replace them! Bypass the PS cap and the Black Gates that are used in the DC circuit with AudioCap RT's .1uF's for the large power supply caps, and .01uF's for the Black Gate caps. Pull and install sockets for the opamps, and install LT1364's. For well under a grand you will have one of the best sounding redbook and 2 channel CDP's out there.

Best Regards,

look into a clock upgrade for the jolida.

I put a tent in my jd100 and I don't think that I will be looking for anything else in the near future
Mullard CV4004 tubes. They will skyrocket your Jolida head and shoulders above many other higher priced players. They were the best money I've spent on this system. No kidding.