CD lense cleaner. Is it necessary ?

I'm wondering if my cd player may need the optical lense cleanded as it is a used player. I've seen the basic cleaning discs such as the ones in Radio Shack and other electronic box stores. Is this procedure really necessary? If so how often? and which process/brands of cleaning devices really work? Again, it is the optical lense in the player's transport that i'm looking to clean. Thanks.
If it is used in a smoking environment I should certainly recommend it. Even if you don't know the history of the player I should do it anyhow. In case of strange behavior or problems it's one of the first things to do.
I have used a cleaning disc myself, but prefer taking of the hood of the cdp and clean the lens directly with a clean cotton swab -- you can clean your ears with those, helps a lot too, now and then ;-)
Be very very careful!!
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Yes many manufacturers {Marantz for one} are recommending to stay away from those self cleaning discs. My answer is somewhat a combination of the first two posts. If your machine is exposed to dust or cigarette smoking over a long period, Pop the top and clean it yourself. Its very easy to do with most machines. If your CDP is in a non dust attracting smoke free enviorment, and you can honestly say you have never heard any sound degradation, then I would leave it alone.