Very Best Cd Changer to drive outboard DAC?

I have the high-end sound with a single disc player...but some evenings, I just want to be able to put on a 4 or 5 discs and not have to get up to change the music. So, the question is, what is the best cd changer that I can use to feed a very good outboard that my being lazy does not give up good sound?

Thanks for your thoughts.
I've used the new Rotel RCC-1055 as a transport fed into my Resolution Audio Opus 21 DAC. The Rotel is well built, looks good, and has a detachable power cord. It's almost impossible to discern the difference in sound playing discs on the Rotel vs. the Opus -- it's that good!
I think Proceed made an audiophile "super" changer transport years ago. It was based on a commercial CD juke box mechanism, so it should be rugged and hold a lot of CD's. Very expensive, and I would think very rare.
You should also ask about a DVD changer. Would work also and double as a multi DVD player when needed.