Looking for recommendations for CD player

I am looking to replace my Adcom GCD-700 CD player with a better sounding one. I feel the Adcom is a little too brite in the mids am looking for a more natural sounding replacement. It can be a single CD unit and must have remote control and variable output would be a nice feature.
I do not have a lot of cash so price verses sound ratio is very important. Any ideas or direction will be helpful. Used OK. Thanks, Milo, music lover not an audiophile.
Any Muse player/separates will be much more musically natural than you current Adcom player.
Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler board and upgraded tubes. Stunning sound under $1000.
You know, the new Rotel RCD-1072 just received a spectaular review in TAS (Product of the Year). It's listed at $699.00.
Jolida JD-100. If posible Level 1 or 2 modified by Parts Connection. These units are listed in AudioGon classifieds from time to time. Stock units sound good, also. Good luck!