ipod and dac?

Has anyone used an ipod or similar device with a high quality d/a converter? I love the idea of the convenience with the ipod and duplicating my cd collection, but I hate the idea of compressing the data and losing the sonic quality. I welcome any ideas on this topic as well as ideas relating to how to make the ipod and the like a high quality digital source. (Can you modify the recording rate to make the music quality better?) thx
On some of the headphone sites, where they spend alot of time talking about portable audio, people seem to say that the ipod is not the top of the group in sonics. One that is purportedly better is the Rio Kharma, which holds 20 mb and can be had for $250 if you look hard. It doesn't have the industrial art of the ipod, nor quite as good a navigation system, but still rated as pretty darn good.
I own two iPods, a 1rst Gen 10 Gb, that I gave to my wife...OK so I own one now, and a second Gen 20 Gb (bought from MacMall for $259 when the new versions came out) I absolutely love them, but would not use them for critical listening.

I think some of you are missing the point. I have 3465 songs for 9.6 days of continuous music on my 20 Gb iPod (I used 192 mbps MP3 until AAC, which I use the same rate for) This thing has saved my sanity more than once on transAtlantic flights!!! No, it's not 'audiophile' gear. The convienence of having so much of my music available is the reason I never travel without it!!! I even carry a current converter with me abroad so I can charge my digital camera and iPod so I never am out of batteries.

As for the batteries lasting, mine are two years old and work fine. Ed is right, you can change the batteries yourself, though I've not done it. I am reminded of how much I love my iPod when I sit next to someone on a plane who has to dig through their bags to find CD's, while sometimes what they are listenming to sounds good to me and I just call the album up and start listening to it right away...no hassels, and seemingly endless music to boot!

This is why I use iPods........as for MAC's, well if you don't know why I use them....
OK, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger.

I guess I'll have to experiment with different compression schemes [uncompressed, better quality v. compressed, more songs] to determine what works best for me.

But I'm wondering, are you iPod users happy with the supplied Apple earphones or do you use something like the Grado SR60s I use at work?

I do not like the Apple supplied earphones. They sound okay...but do not rest comfortably in my ear. They might work for you though. For me, after a solid hour of listening, my ear hurts from the way they rest.
Gunbei, The supplied earbuds are good quality for their size and weight, but if you're used to Grados, you'll want to stick with them.