How long to burn in Rotel rcd 1072?

I just bought the 1072 and out of the box it sounds horrible. How long should I allow for it to burn in before it becomes listenable. I did the usual tweaks of cleaning the CD and using a mat but it still sounded like first generation CD on its maiden voyage. Anyone with any ideas as to burn in time?
I experimented a bit last night and found that the dealer had plugged the Rotel into an extension cord. I read the directions and it advised against doing this. I plugged the Rotel directly into the wall and it was much better. I still think it is a bit edgy but will listen again this morning after leaving it on all night.
I found this player to be simply incredible especially for the price. Musically compelling and dead quiet. It did take about 50 hours of playing to make it really start to sing.
It definitely is getting better all the time. have you tried different power cords?
I have had luck with a variety of cords including JPS Silver, Z-squared Au/Au, and Synergistic AC Master Coupler. I added dampening pad layer to top panel, brass hats on top of player and big brass cones below. Extremely nice player now with about 100 hours on it.
I will try to replicate your success. Just with the stock power cord and no other tweaks the Rotel has burned in nicely. I haven't many of the other of the top players but this one can play a tune!