Old used high end transport vs new same price ?

Im seeking for a good transoprt to use with my Forsell DAC or my incoming Audiomeca DAC (I keep the best). For about 4000USd I can have a new Mephisto IIX or Accustic Art drive 1 or ca 10 years old, once really expensive transports, like Forsell, Jadis 1 or ML 31.5. Unfortunatly I cant test them myself in my system. Which is the way to go?
Dont waste your money on old technology. Get a good recent DVD player and get it modded. The Sony's or Philips with dual-laser are superb tranports. The mechanisms and control systems are far superior to any CD-only transport. you ge tthe best of both the DVD precision and the CD-optimized read laser.
I bought a used belt drive transport and sent it to Danny Boy. He's doing some serious work--especially on the power supply--and when finished it should outperform the more expensive belt drives at a fraction of the cost ( about $1,100-$1,200 for transport & mod )
Thanks for respons! Busciz2 what do you use for cable btwn DAc and transport and what power cable do you use?
Hello Again Ulf, I am using LAT cable throughout my whole system. From transport to DAC I am using an LAT DI-20 MK II digital interconnect (balanced), and LAT IC-200 MK II interconnects (balanced), from the DAC to a YBA Passion Integre amp. I use LAT AC-2 power cords on every component in my system.

I find both the Audiomeca and YBA components to be very natural, musical, and uncolored sounding. I like my cables to be the same. LAT wire does not add any coloration. It is also shielded in a manner in which the cable is extremely quiet but yet does not reduce dynamics.

Overall the system has a very wonderful sound that you can listen to for hours on end, exhibiting incredible detail without any accentuation at any specific frequencies. It took me almost a year of auditioning different components before deciding on the Audiomeca/YBA. I listen to a lot of acoustic jazz and female voice, and this system reproduces both with smoothness and ease.

If you click on my system, you can see the system complete.

I'm providing you with the link to LAT. Read "Cable Hype", it is quite interesting. Best of luck with your final decision and please feel free to contact me if I can help.


Happy Listening, Ed.