Stereophile Rated the Sqeezebox Touch Class D

Stereophile Rated the Sqeezebox Touch as Class D.
I cant believe it!

I read both Audiophile and Stereophile reviews. Both reviews appeared to really like the Squeezebox Touch.

I personally have my Sqeezebox Touch digital going into my Cary 306 Pro and I beleive the sound quality in Apple Lossloss to be as good as when I play a CD through it.

I guess because the Touch only costs $299, according to the so called reviewers it cant be better than a class D.
Thats Garbage, I say.
Atkinson's rationale makes sense to me. He/they rated it by itself, not with an asterisk next to it saying 'with a great DAC connected to it.'

I haven't heard the Oppo nor the Touch. If they sound identical from their analog outs, they should be rated about the same. But, they're different devices that perform different functions, and hence have different competition.

But what do I know? I'm no reviewer, nor do I care to be.

Just because they rated it lower than you would have, or their justification doesn't make sense to you doesn't make it sound any worse now than it did before you read the rating, does it? Its not worth getting worked up over IMO.
I had been reading Kal's posts over on the slim devices forum. His common sense approach and frankness made me think about getting a subscription to Stereophile. While the Class D rating doesn't bother me or affect my enjoyment of the Touch as a digital transport, John Atkinson's responses and "logic" cost them a new subscription from me.
Ozzy, you missed the point. You are beyond worrying about what Stereophools think. You have invested a lot of time and money into building a system that pleases you. To hell with Stereophile. It is one opinion.

It is human nature to attack a critic when they don't agree with you but if you are confident that your assessment is valid then any angst is too much. Our time here is too short to waste any of it agonizing over an opinion we disagree with. Enjoy what you have.

I have been attacked. criticized, and called a tin ear over my choice to digitize my vinyl but I'm confident it sounds wonderful. It helps that I've had others with a depth of experience confirm my findings but I sit and tap my toe while others throw darts at something they've never heard.

Bottom line.... trust your own ears.. I believe was the Duke who said something like.. if sounds good it is good.

Kbarkamian ,Riffle, Herman, and all who have added there opinions, Thank you all for your comments.

I will continue to enjoy my Sqeezebox Touch and for now I will keep my subscriptions to the Audio Mags.
But, I will never again put much creedence in the so called subjective rating system.
I respect Kal for calling it like he sees it. Unfortunately, he was called out by his boss and deleted his post. Something about "Personally, I don't feel it appropriate for a Stereophile writer to post private communications on the Web". Thank you Your Highness, Mr. Atkinson. As it is, the most important point to me, aside from not giving a damn about their ratings, is that a few of their writers have honesty and class. But, not as many as some online mags I like such as 6moons, TNT, and Affordable Audio. Just remember, enjoy the music (oh, that's another one)! ;)