Which Sony: SCD-1, XA777ES or XA9000ES?

IYHO, which Sony is better for 2 channel and what makes it better?

Well I will put a different twist on this one...I have not had a SCD-1 in my system so I will only talk about the other two...I had an XA777 and loved it on SACD but did not care for it's redbook performance...it seemed a bit harsh and edgy to me...I prefered my XA7ES and used them jointly depending on CD or SACD...both were stolen in Dec. so I replaced them with the XA9000ES and, although I have not had the 777 and 9000 at the same time, I think the 9000 on redbook is superior to the XA7ES on redbook and even smoother and more musical via my memory than the 777...
I've auditioned the 9000 and was impressed, but too much $$$$. I took my old used 555ES and sent it to Matt Anker at CD MODS in Ohio{www.cdmods.com]. Had all 5 channels modified, with the most important work on the two fronts. This is the best sounding SACD/CD multi disk payer I've ever heard. This thing blows away stock 777ES & the 9000 in both redbook and SACD. The total cost is half of what a 9000 costs! It's unbelievable!!!

Actually, I was thinking "humble" opinion.

I've come to realize just about all of the opinions expressed here are humble...

LOL! ...ouch, my side....I kill me....