Best CD Player for Classical Music?

I realize that a CD player that is good for classical is good for anything, but the reason I was specific is because the classical section of my CD collection is the fastest growing section. And not being very familiar with classical music I rarely heard it live. But now I'm going to more concerts and I'm looking for a CD player that can get me close to what I'm hearing live.

To be more specific, most of my classical listening has been through my system and not live. But when I hear it live it sounds softer, smoother, and flows more naturally. It sounds effortless, unforced, more relaxed. I then realize how "hard" sounding classical music sounds through my system. It may be that it's digital that makes it sound hard, but I'm not going analog right now so please stick with the CD player recs : )

I'm looking for something for my headphone system. My headphone amp, a Grace 901, is a highly resolving amp so a quality source really shines through. My favorite instruments are the cello, violin and piano and I would prefer to find a CD player that excels at making these sound natural. I'd also like something that is not too forward.

Maybe I'm crazy thinking I can find what I'm looking for in a CD player, but please let me know if you have any recommendations. I'd like to find it if possible. Thanks.
I listen only to Classical, I attend live performances, (Davies Symphony Hall in SF), and I play in an amateur orchestra. If you like chamber and solo music only, the Rega Planet 2000 does a wonderful job. I doesn't open up as much as it could for large-scale symphonic literature. Massed-strings have sounded a bit harsh to me since moving up to a better system. I went the SACD route and have found that, with every recording thus far purchased, the string problem has been solved. I couldn't feel more relieved.
Jdaniel, What SACD player do you have? Chamber and solo music is my
main interest. I know there is a growing catalog of SACD classical titles.

My first experience with live classical music, and how sweet it can be,
was at Davies Symphony Hall where there was a performance of Arvo
part's work some years ago.
I have the Marantz SA-14 version 2. I find that the benefits of SACD are most impressive in large-scale orchestral music. I can *barely* hear a difference in chamber and solo music. If you like the latter, maybe SACD isn't necessary. (I should point out that the Marantz is a two-channel only.)
The wadia is a very good choice but for your taste in classical music you might also check out EMM and Audio Aero. Emm is too new and diccicult to audition but you can probably find an Audio Aero. I tested it against the Wadia and I bought the Capitole Mark II from Audio Aero. For less money the Audio Aero Prima might just be your ticket.