Oversampling vs upsampling

Can someone briefly explain the difference? Some CD players which have 24/192 DACS are listed as upsampling while other are not. Anyone know why? Thanks
Close. What happens when you sum the outputs of two devices is that the signals they have in common (the real data or music) is summed (x2) while the random signals (noise) is cancelled. This is because the real signals occur at the same time in the same phase while the noise on one DAC is likely to be slightly different from the noise on the other. When you sum, the noises cancel and the real data sums.

Result is improved SNR.
Check out the following URL for an excellent article on this subject.


Cheers! JZ
Another very informative article on the subject written by Mike Story of dCS Ltd., (manufacturer of the Ring-DAC), can be found at:
