Jmcgrogan,Tireguy told me there are 1500 SACD release,
already, If you have been reading some of my post,
about My Sony 9000es modified signature ref,with tube
stage and dac upgrade,it will tell ,you how good it is,I
even mentioned that, when I heard the Trivista SACDcdp, that
I did not miss it ,I did spend $1700 for the mod,I think
it sounded like at least 5k,especially on SACD this unit
is unbeatble for the price,cdp under 5k,I heard the VKD5,
In my system hologarphic is missing in action,I will not
deny the VKD5 did sound good,but it is nowhere near my
sony mod, in SACD mode, there is no comparison,I could have
bought the BAT for less money,but I did not like the sound,
and the sonic attribute.I believe the risk that I took, and
trusting Dan, its all worth it.IMO