cd/dvd repair ot trash

I am the unfortunate audiophile who keeps experiencing equipment failures.Specifically;A Meridian 800 with HDMI output,cannot read the cd /dvd ,although the unit was repaired by the factory for that precise problem under warranty in the last few month.Yesterday my Esoteric DV-60 failed to read the cds.I purchased that unit new from an authorized dealer,but that was a few years ago. My question is it worth the cost and trouble repairing
You state that the unit was repaired in the past few months for the same issue. Didn't you get a warranty with that repair? Some repair shops give a 90 day and other 6 months. I would see if they will stand behind their work.
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Is the problem all discs or just some new purchases? I've had copyright problems with a few protected discs and had to return them.
Don't repair it. Laptop->DAC is where to be, and where the innovation is occurring. Version 19 of jRiver can decode bit-perfect rips into memory and provide an excellent source stream into a DAC. Then you just choose the DAC you love, and swap out when a better DAC comes along.