ATTN: Plinius 8100, 8200, 9100, 9200 Owners

Hi everyone... I'm wondering what CD Player you all use with your Plinius equipment? Right now I'm running a Plinius 8200mk1, Rega Planet 2000 and Soliloquy 6.2 speakers. I'm looking to brighten up my sound a bit as it is currently a bit warm for me...

Your definately on the right track in upgrading the Rega...A nice sounding unit..but if you want a significant upgrade without breaking the bank, look at a Wadia 23(currently some for sale here on Audiogon) very big, smooth, bold sound with excellent dynamics. Its a bit warmer than their latter offerings, but way past the Rega. I went from the Planet to the 23, so I can definately recommend this. I also run a Plinius SA 100MkII amp. Best of luck-Ken
I use an Arcam with my Plinius 8200 (mkII). Very happy with the combination! Appropriate interconnects help, too.
I use a Marantz SA-14, with Shahinian Obelisks, which I'm very happy with--I found Rollerblocks make a big difference, as well.

Good luck!

I'm using an AH Njoeb Tjoeb 4000 with the upsampler and Siemens 7308 tubes with very musical results. With a tubed cdp
you can tailor the sound to your liking and to your system synergy.
So your not stuck with the stock sound of a cdp.
I prefer to listen to vinyl and this player was very analog sounding
yet has a very detailed, transparent and coherent presention especially considering the asking price. Check out the feedback on this unit . When so many audiophiles agree on something - it's worth looking into. I own a Plinius 9200 and am very happy with this combination.