Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?

Hi , I live in an area where its difficult to demo the really high end digital gear. Honestly I dont mind paying a high price for CDP Playback , but w/o a demo , Im wondering if its worth it. Let me define worth it if I may. Will a top of the Line Wadia for example sound clearly better than say a Rega , or a Sony ES. Im not expecting it to trounce it, Im just asking if you have the bucks , is the improvement clearly audible ? Im looking for warm ,detailed involving sound, my speakers are Electrostats, Amp top of the Line Sunfire. Appreciate your thoughts .
Becareful of Wadia as I suggest you conduct a forum search and you will find opinions all over the board. I did audition the Wadia and I went with the Audio Aero Capitole Mark II, You speak of warmpth and musicality and I am very pleased with the choice. A forum search of Audio Aero will be very informative. This unit can be upgraded so you get volumn control with tube adjustments, lots of digital inputs to run everything from satellite and DVD to another multiple disc CD transport through it. The latest release has an analog passtru for your receiver and most of the older versions are upgradable to analog passthru.
Ed Sawyer echoes what I believe. I can't think of a better deal than a SCD1 or 777 playing SACD, although, I freely admit that I haven't heard the really top drawer CD players. The 777 plays CD well enough for my purposes that I am off the upgrade train for digital.

Have Fun.
Great, I welcome all thoughts pro and con. One of my old school buddies in Canada swears by The Sim Audio Eclipse.
It is all very confusing , nut none the less very informative. I guess as I get older , I dont want to get upgraditis ! But CDP playback has always baffled me as to what price point {not counting those machine that cost as much as automobiles } you have to invest to get the best out of the Redbook format .{Keep them coming ! Thanks !
You have to Audition before you buy. Everyone has a opinion on whats the best cdp but nobody will be listening to it thru your gear. Others prefer the Capitole mk11 to the Wadia 861,to my ears thru my gear the Wadia is my choice,and yes I auditioned them both in my system.
I think you might like the Meridian G08 ($4K). It has a very natural sound but doesn't sacrifice detail or dynamics to get it like some players do. It is very solidly built and has great ergonomics as well. Also, Meridian has a good reputation for customer service. I am extremely satisfied with mine.