Computer Audio – Help Getting Started

I want to add a computer based audio source. My goals are to store a majority of my music collection on a computer accessed hard drive (with back up) and have the ability to easily play those digital files through my main system. I would also like the ability to copy selected music from the hard drive onto a small portable hard drive (or a thumb drive?) so I can play it at remote locations such as an office system. I will consider playback hardware (DAC's etc.) at a later time.

Before I start ripping desired CD’s to my computer, I suspect I will need to first decide which type of computer and operating system I will be using (Mac or Windows). Since I already have a home desktop and work laptop that use a Windows based OS, given that I am not interested in i-tunes, and knowing that Windows based laptops are about half the cost of a MacBook Pro, are there any compelling reasons why I should consider purchasing a Mac over a similar featured Windows based laptop as a dedicated computer for my audio?

Once this first decision is made, then I am sure to have more questions about specific software I should use for ripping and playback to preserve the highest quality sound possible, hopefully to match my CD source components. Thanks for any help provided.
First, thanks to those who recommended the computeraudiophile site. While I have been browsing it, your recommendations prompted me to dig deeper and find some really good information.

Second, much thanks to Richardfinegold and Levy03. Your responses are exactly the type of user specific information that I was hoping to obtain by asking questions on this site. The only reasons I could think of to purchase a Mac would have been if it were considerably easier to extract the music or if there were noticably superior software available for Mac only. However, since my other computers are Windows based, and since I don't listen to an i-pod, the reasons I am hearing to put Mac above a Windows PC are; better virus control, better build quality, perhaps a little easier to extract bit perfect files, and a more "historical" reputation as a leader in computer audio (let me know if I am missing something). In favor of a Windows PC are; compatibility with my other computers, lower price, and availability of a wider range of (less costly) upgrades as the industry advances. Thanks for the specific recommendations and please keep them coming.

I am looking forward to getting into hardware selection because of the many new products that seem to come out almost weekly. I want a high quality solution to at least equal the sound of my MUSE Erato II and Ayre C-5xeMP players. It seems Empirical Audio, Wavelength, and Weiss gear is generally out in front, with the Ayre QB-9 a half step back. I believe there are likely others to consider and after reading the recent 6-Moons preview, I would be interested in hearing how something like the Metrum Acoustics Octave with a Stello U3 might stack up (at a much lower price than the first three listed). However, I need to nail down the software side of things first. Thanks again for the help.
Mitch2 - everyone on the forums appears to be an expert, but believe me they are not.

For ripping purposes, you dont need a Mac, but for playback Mac works best.

If you only have a PC, just pay $35 and get dbpoweramp and start ripping with accurate-rip enabled. This will give you great rips in AIFF, wav or FLAC. You cant go wrong if you do this.

Other tips (no advertising):

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve: what makes you say macs work best?. i did some a/b streaming with a friends macbook pro and could not tell a difference. they sounded identical in my set-up.
Thanks Steve for weighing in and for the link. I like what you have done with the recent Overdrive changes that make it more affordable and an easier one-box solution for maximum sound quality. Are you saying Mac works best because it is the easiest or because it sounds better, or both?
I went through the selection process just about a year ago. I chose a Mac Mini for simplicity. I ripped maybe a third of my cds in AIFF and store them on an external hard drive.
The two advantages that sold me were the size of the Mini and the fact that I can control it remotely with the ipod touch. The Mini sits on the equipment rack with no monitor hooked up, just a very small USB keyboard and a remote mouse (which is turned off unless needed). I hook a monitor to it once a month or so to check for updates.
The Mac's optical out feeds a Monarchy Super Drive DIP which in turn feeds a PS Audio DLIII. My favorite way to listen is to call up "all songs" on the touch and select shuffle. Never know whats coming next.