CEC CD player

Anyone have any exprience with CEC cd players? Good or Bad?

Cheers, Paul
Audio Advisor does not sell the CEC player anymore. Paul, you asked a bad question. Every product has strengths and weaknesses. BEcause of its strengths, I have kept my belt drive transport. Because of its weaknesses it is being modded at Modwright at this time..
I have a C.E.C. TL51Z that I really enjoy. It does an outstanding job of imaging and produces a deep and wide soundstage with a very black background. Very musical.
I've enjoyed my TL-1X transport, feeding a Chord DAC64, for a couple of years now. To my ears this is a magical combo.

BTW, Psychicanimal, if "Audio Advisor does not sell the CEC player anymore" they have a strange way of going about it! Their ad on page 118 of the latest TAS, #147, shows the CEC 3300 at an introductory price of $499.95.
Maybe their advertisements last longer than their offerings :)

Kidding aside, if you check their site, they don't have it anymore. About 3 months back, I asked them which player was better around $600 (CEC-3300 , Pioneer 563a, Cambridge AZUR-640 or Phillips 963SA). The gentleman who respond told me the CEC-3300 was the best of all. They had several units at a lower price because were returned..????? Maybe it wasn't that good really.


I just got the latest AA catalog and the CEC is conspicuous
by its absence.