upgrading from cary 306-200


I own a Cary 306-200 which plays the cds for my Wilson Watt Puppy 7.0, Rowland 302 amp, BATVK51SE preamp.

The system rocks but am wondering if there would be a marked improvement if I upgraded the cd player? If so, what are the suggestions for my particular system?
I had a Cary 306/200 cdp and a catalog of over 5000 cds and wanted to upgrade. I listened to many one and two box systems and purchased an Audiomeca Mephisto 11.X. The best Redbook playback I heard was the dCS system but it was completely out of my price range.
I know of two people who have traded in Wadia 861 CD players (one an se model) for a Cary 306/200 and are very happy with the trades
I had both Cary 306 and Wadia 861 at the same time...it wasn't close (and it shouldn't for msrp diff). Wadia was superior in every way.

That said, now I would look to try an EMM Labs unit first...