Rotel 1072: Deserving of product of the year?

Has anyone listened to a current production sample of this cd player? I was intrigued by Allan Taffel's review in The Absolute Sound.
The Rotel 1072 that I heard (with Rotel receiver and Vandy 2Ce's) was very surprising for its price. I was struck by the amount of detail that it managed to present, as well as by the precise imaging. The most important thing about it, in my opinion, was the amount of emotion that it managed to convey with that amount of detail, something that I've rarely seen at the price point that I could actually afford. Definitely take a listen.
I thought that the silver looked pretty good, but I wonder why you say to "get the black"?
If you can look at both try to.If not,see if they have another Rotel~dvd or such player in black on display. Pictures of Silver finish caught my eye at first,in person I felt, black was nicer.
while it's not the best CDP i've heard, i felt it had a decent amount of punch and dynamic and was very accurate for its price point. no audio flaws to speak of, clbeanz's nit-picks are pretty accurate (i actually like the small remote).
I was wondering if anyone has replaced the power cord and if it makes a major difference? I have the 1072 and like it very much. I haven't auditioned it against other players. I had a dealer bring it to my house and use an extension cord and it sounded horrible at first until I plugged it into the wall.
I like to run my gear electrically stock for a time.Just to make sure all is well.But I will fashion me a 13 gauge zero crystal copper varistrand/teflon dielectric power cord.It has improved my other gear in dynamics.Check back time to time I'll post a result here.Maybe that last 3-6 feet of power cable before CDP acts like a small buffer? Not sure but the few power cable upgrades I have auditioned, yeilded sonic benefits.