Best power/digital cords for C E C transports.

I Have an Electrocompaniet ECD-1 dac & recently purchased a used CEC TL-2x transport. I have a balanced MIT reference digital interconnect & am using a BMI EEL powercord.I also have the TL-2x well isolated,not a concern.

These cords sound great with my Cal Delta transport & ECD-1 combined,not with the TL-2x & ECD-1 combined.These cords also sounded great with my Cal Delta transport & Alpha dac.

Could it be the TL-2x does not have the proper synergy with my dac? Could the TL-2x need calibration?I would think the TL-2x should outperform my Delta. What cord combos are you using to get the best sound out of your digital separates? Might the digital rca connection sound better in this case?

I am not looking to spend for the very expensive cords unless great deals on used.I am also not into doing any mods on a unit that retailed for $3300.Thanks.
You might want to check the AC polarity on the CEC and Parasound transports as did a few mods on these units a few years ago and found they had hooked up line to neutral and vise versa.......This easy to measure and fix and is likely the problem with PRAT....
Uncle Bob is here! So, it could be a case of reversed polarity...Danny Boy didn't mention anything on my unit.

Crespo, the mod is more than a level 1 but less than a level 2, depending on what options you want. I had the Furutech IEC installed, plus the door position switch (you should do that before it fails), the belt replaced and one of the new slipstream Bybees in the digital out, along with better signal wire and a Cardas RCA out (Dan's idea). Is it worth it? YES!

Parasound is good with parts. Two belts and the switch was somethig like $18.
Hey Psychic,

I went to the Modwright website and didn't see any pricing for Parasound/CEC transport mods. What would a level 1/2/3 pricing be for the CEC?

Mcrespo71, my CEC TL-2x never sounded behind the beat--to the contrary, it was always on top of the beat.. Not quite as much PRAT foot-tapping as my Rega turntable, but then it probably isn't running 1% fast ;)

Lihifiguy: hang in there, the CEC TL-2X is a wonderful transport. I used one for about a year with my now departed dCS Delius, and it was a fantastic match. I had great luck with my MIT digital cables, AVT1 and the older model (can't recall the name). This combo was absolutely fantastic. Perhaps try the RCA outs (I never used the balanced) as Sean suggested.
Ndjedinak,I may need to try the digital rcas. I have an MIT reference balanced cable.It worked great with my Cal gear as they are perfectly matched.The Cal Delta has more presence with the MIT cable matched to the ECD-1.The TL-2 has more detail with the same cable & dac.According to an audio friend who has keen sense of listening and can always point things out, the TL-2x sounds as if it is veiled compared to the Cal Delta.

As Pyschicanimal recommended I did get a VH Flavor 4 power cord with gold Wattgate connectors.Waiting for it to fully burn in.I will be ordering some burn im adapters & burn some power cords with my fridge.

I passed on the VH IEC connector as it would take hacking the back of my TL-2x to make it fit as well as it would hurt resale.On the other hand the VH IEC looks identical to the one on the back of my new Electrocompaniet ECD-1 DAC.