How many years before MP3 becomes king?

I was reading about one unit that plays CD's pretty decent, but also stores 300 hours of 128 bit music. It has every type input and output imaginable and could be the world's greatest jukebox.

Sound quality was compared to early CD's played on first generation CDP's. The author wouldn't predict how many years (months) it will take for enough bandwidth and other factors to happen for the MP3 to musically surpass even SACD and DVD-A.
I agree with Flex. For music lovers MP3s have a very useful purpose. They're not high end, but not every music listening experience needs to be about audiophile values.
It's already dead. There are new compression formats being released that are far better. Apple's Lossless format for example.
The Apple lossless format is still 6x the size of a typical 128 kbps MP3 or AAC file. In what ways is it better for the iPod user?
The line of succession is:

Elvis (Emeritus),
then—the two princely tots (one at a time, of course),
then— Secretary Rumsfeld,
then—the guy who does anal searches at airport security in Baltimore, (no, not “same as above,” shame on you...let's wave that flag now),