How many years before MP3 becomes king?

I was reading about one unit that plays CD's pretty decent, but also stores 300 hours of 128 bit music. It has every type input and output imaginable and could be the world's greatest jukebox.

Sound quality was compared to early CD's played on first generation CDP's. The author wouldn't predict how many years (months) it will take for enough bandwidth and other factors to happen for the MP3 to musically surpass even SACD and DVD-A.
Wow!! I want some massive stuff!!! Please give me at least 10 of everything!!!!
Ok Toonsurge I cant believe LP's have died. I guess that means the new turntable and cartridge I bought 4 months ago was a waste of money. Not to mention the rest of my system. Why download music what can I really do with it. Compression, bit loss poor speakers sure I can wire it into my system not a problem. But it will bring out every flaw in the format. Approx 60% of the US is on the internet and we are the richest country in the world. Only 10% of the world population has internet access. As we grow as a world and developing countries emerge what format will we use. Will it be cheaper to buy a cheep cd player and a hand full of CD's or a computer, internet access fees and download fees? 2010 can the CD die. I guess my digital front end should be given a proper burial not to mention all my vinyl.

I guess those small vinyl pressing factories that have sprung up lately are just out of luck. What about the new Stones release that was put out on Virgin Vinyl.

Remember to take the system as a whole.
I guess much depends on what you mean as king. Sonically, it certainly is not. I cannot stand its sound.