Best Sub $500 used CD Player

Hello all
was about to buy an original rega planet used and then thought i would ask you all whay your ecperiences have been?
I have had the planet in the past and remember it being an extremely smooth and good looking unit. I have also had the mmf cd 25 and was impressed with it.
any thought on these two players or other options?
running revel studios with an all cal audio set-up
the phillip 963 is pretty darn good. i would also check out the new marantz (warranty is mas importanate with the new units)

btw, the reason i suggested new units is there has been a quantam leep with the lastest generation of cd players.

you used to have to buy a $2500 dac to get at the sound quality level of the newer units.

hope that helps,

I would seriously look at Toshiba 3950 & 4900 DVD players, they have 24/192 audio Dac and sound great for $60-80 price new at Best Buy etc, I think they are at least equal to a used older $500 CDP you can buy here. I bought one of each to play around with.

If you are into DIY there are many mods also posted at AA forum.
The MMF CD25 ( Shanling CD-S100 ) is a really great player for the money, as you know, and you ought to be able to get it for a lot less than $500 used. I don't know of an older player selling for $500 which would beat it, as far as my ears were concerned, but a killer deal could come up, I suppose. The Shanling CD-S100 Mk II is a lot better than the first version. I sold my CD-S100 Mk II for under US$500. Unfortunately it is only available in Canada. Maybe another Canadian would sell you a used one.