CD player recs under $2000 to replace Jolida

Looking for a single box CDP new or used under 2k for the long haul. Replacing a Jolida JD100, and it will be matched with the current Bel Canto Evo2 integrated and either Meadowlark Kestrel 2 or Equation 25 speakers.

A few preferences:
>Fast, dynamic and compatible with most styles of music- not only acoustic or vocals-- most important for me
>Kind to poorly recorded discs- need not be hyper-detailed but should still reveal some ambience
>Tonally rich/warm with good bass- current components are fairly neutral and the room is lively- CDP should not be too lean or edgy
>Balanced a plus, but not essential- no need for volume control

A couple CDPs I'm considering are a used Cary 303/200, Naim CD5 or used CDX, Opera consonance 2.2. Opinions on these or others appreciated.
I think Mijknarf has a good point.

So far, I have compared the Jolida to three digital front ends. One being my old Theta Data Basic II/ Audionote 1.1 rig, a Cal Audio Delta/Sigma combo and the stock BAT VK-D5. I preferred the Jolida to varying degrees every time, and so have many of my friends. The other systems were warmer overall, with the BAT being slightly darker. The Jolida has more transparency and detail than all of them, and a slightly cooler midrange with the Electro Harmonix tubes I am using. I may look at some GE longplates in the future, and possibly do some of the upgrades as well, but in stock form with better tubes, it is a tough machine to beat.


I currently own Jolida JD 100 with level-1 modifications from parts connexion other gears are odyssey and speakers are paradigm ref 100 v2, I have to agree with NZera that even though this is a nice player it is doesn't have the attack or dynamics of some other players, before buying this I heard Arcam FMJ-32 in my system its a nice player and is fast and dynamic, still I prefered Jolida JD 100, but it would be nice to have a CD player like Jolida and have a speed and dynamics of Arcam. (By the way I have sylvania glod plated triple mica in JD 100 - nice tubes)


I agree with several of the posts above that the Jolida has its strengths- it is transparent, listenable, reasonably detailed, and sounds great on vocal or acoustic music. However, I have tried a number of tubes, interconnects, balanced power, and platforms- and the Jolida just does not sound dynamic enough for me on rock and complex music. I don't think the problem is elswhere in my system, since for many CDs, a cheap yamaha cdp gets the music across better(albeit crudely)- also vinyl sounds great through a Nottingham/dynavector tt. Mainly want a CDP to keep longterm that works on all styles of music- cairn and naim are probably worth looking into- there are dealers locally.
Nzera: I too am looking for a CDP to match with my eVo2i and am seriously considering purchasing the Consonance Reference 2.2 player. Please keep us updated with your purchase options and observations...
Cary 308T - Since having this CD player (upgraded tubes to Mullards) I will never buy a CD player that doesn't have a tube output stage. This is as close as I can get to vinyl within my budget.