Upgrades to Cary 308t CD player

I will appreciate any opinions concerning any upgrades of/tube replacement in Cary CD-308t CD player.

The stock 12AU7 tubes contain a GE logo/sign and bear a legend "JAN, made in USA". While they are obviously modern production tubes, they seem quite decent - very transparent and dynamic.

I also tried NOS Mullard CV-4003 and NOS GE 5814A/12AU7 Grey Plate with 3 mica. The latter two have different sound, and GE 5814A is much more colored than others, though very dynamic and detailed.

Best regards,

I just sold my Cary 308T but I tried several different tubes with it. I liked the Telefunkens and thought they were good but the early 1960's NOS Amperex 7316 were far and away the best allaround sounding tube in this player in my system.