What high-end cdp for low-end quality CD's ?

I need advice, in some foreseeable future I’m going to upgrade my cdp. My budget is going to be about $4000 top $5000. I was thinking about used Wadia 861, Accuphase 75V. But I had heard that they are true performers only on high quality audiophile grade CD’s. I heard that the more expensive SS cdp playback the worst it will sound with awful quality CD’s.
Unfortunately most of my CD’s is mean quality from BMG, SONY etc. buying CD’s from only audiophile companies or import them from Hon Kong, Taiwan, Japan (they are the best to me) is not a valid solution. I have heard rumor that some tube CD’s like Audio Areo, Lector (maybe Audiomeca ??-it is solid state though) can be more forgiving to mean CD’s, so you can actually listen to them. It is really hard for me to listen to them on my budget Arcam cdp, I cannot imagine it sounding worse with high-end player. So I’m looking for forgiving high-resolution, very dynamic, live, analog sounding cdp. So what would you recommend, I’m listening to soft rock, pop, classic.
Rest of equipment is Clayton monoblocks, Thiel 3.6 speakers by the end of summer I will have Supratek pre (I hope at least).
Jeff, I can relate, somewhat. I own the Capitole's little brohter, the Prima. As sweet as any cdp, I've heard in this price range (and higher too). 90% of the Capitole. And that's 90% of greatness....as you already, know. I'm considering some serious modifications by Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound. Waiting on some more info to help me rationalize the $1600 mod...He's done amazing things with the Waida. Now the Prima. Something to look forward to. peace, warren
That is true about LP playback, on HE 2004 (and on few other occasions) I have heard in one room newest Wadia 35k$ rig vs. Clearaudio (do not know price for it) Wadia seemed very good to me until I had hear LP – it was another league, sad...
But even though buying LP playback, LP records seems to me too much hassle. But I had thought the some about tube amplification and now I'm waiting for Supratek. So who knows. I'm going to try high-end cdp, if it will not work for me (like SONY SACD did not work) I will think about obsolete LP :)
What about Audiomeca mephisto II, is it analog sounding making bad CD civilized listenable player ?
How it compares to recommended by you AA Capitole?
I can second Warrenh's nomination of the Audio Aero Prima. Very nice sounding unit, resolution doesn't compare with what is available on vinyl or the better digital sources however. Perhaps the mods would improve the resolution.
Absolutely, Jeff. I haven't given up on CD and I agree that the Cap is an amazing player -- one of the very best available.

Nonetheless, I can tell you that my $2000 VPI Scout/Dynavector vinly rig absolutely blows it away, especially with older recordings, which are mostly what I listen to.

Most of the efforts in digitial are aimed at making it sound more analogue, so why not go to the source?
It's only in the audiophile world that people are trying to make digital sound like vinyl. Real progress in audio reproduction is being made by those who are trying to make digital (and to a lesser extent analog tape) sound like the signal coming from the microphone feed. It's important to note that absolutely nobody says vinyl is accurate when using this rigorous standard of comparison.