What machine were the recently recorded wedding cdr's recorded on. If recorded on a computer with a data cdr it won't playback in your Yamaha.
What input source component did you record from. If recorded from a cd thru the digital cables the track markers should transfer.
When making an analog recording, spaces of silence are interpreted as track seperations, and a new track marker is automaticlly placed when a new audio signal is detected. The silence should be about 4 seconds long. Automatic track marking may not perform propertly if the recording source has excessive noise or contains a lot of low level sounds. It is then recommend that you use the manual recording as per page 16 of your manual.
What input source component did you record from. If recorded from a cd thru the digital cables the track markers should transfer.
When making an analog recording, spaces of silence are interpreted as track seperations, and a new track marker is automaticlly placed when a new audio signal is detected. The silence should be about 4 seconds long. Automatic track marking may not perform propertly if the recording source has excessive noise or contains a lot of low level sounds. It is then recommend that you use the manual recording as per page 16 of your manual.