What digital evolution?

I posted this as a reply in another thread, but believe it's thought-provoking enough to warrant its own post:

Is it really accurate that digital processing technology is evoloving (depreciating) quickly? The economics of technology don't seem to support this.

Unlike computer hardware which benefits from Moore's Law, and can therefore process more software at a given price point due to falling prices of memory and processor power, DACs are still processing the same 44.1 kHz software that is over 20 years old (not talking about high-res formats like SACD and DVD-A). DACs are not challenged with processing bigger programs at faster speeds that need more computer memory. Aside from upsampling, are there really improvements in D/A algorithms or other techniques that benefit from Moore's Law economics?

If this is true, good DAC design should remain competitive over time. Aren't the "best" DACs (Meitner, DCS, Weiss, etc) still competitive years after release? What technology is evoloving so quickly in D/A conversion?
I don't think the parallel with Moore's Law is terribly relevant, but if you think it is, then ask yourself whether people are much happier with their computers these days because of chip speeds. I would suggest not much more than people are happier with their DACs.

One obvious issue is that audio gear performance is as much driven by vibration issues, imperfect passive components, management of stray interference, how much trial and error through listening went into the finalisation of the design as it is by improvements in active components like DAC chips.

Another obvious issue is the problems of needing to stay within a standard format - the size of the CD/DVD, Redbook standard etc.

For a more continuous development of digital audio we need to move CD Players away from being vertically integrated standardised items towards open architecture, open standard devices, and move away from physical media like CDs to downloaded files. Therefore in the future, if your device has enough power, the release of a new piece of music in a new format is as simple as downloading the file and the software to decode it into analogue audio. Your PC is already a device of that type, and Media PCs are moving towards becoming more specialised to meet entertainment needs. It is not too much of a stretch to imagine the release of a Wadia Media PC (in whatever incarnation they are in at the time). Some of us remember that this vision was first envisaged by, I think, Theta. But our understanding of what it takes to deliver good audio via digital has still to evolve a bit before that dream will be a reality. And we also have to overcome the desire of the likes of Microsoft to turn the Media PC into a proprietary device, or one crippled by high royalties for its operating system - but I think Linux has that one covered.
I feel every sentiments expressed here are very good.

My beef with this digital evolution, atleast in the stateside, is that we can't even get redbooks to sound right most of the time. I hope the recording industry can go back to the basics before brainstorming new formats.

Every new CD should be HDCD.

Ofcourse, for the recording industry, where is the money in that...

Regarding the evolution of digital technologies, I don't think you have too much break throughs in terms of DAC chips outside of upsampling. But, there seem to be many new implementations of the same building block from SE and tube outputs to Non OS configurations..

Digital amps are sure taking off.

Just a thought, I remember asking my teacher when I was in high school why computers didn't make better CD players than CD players since the computers have massive processing power compared to CD players. Yes, I was a budding audio geek even then.

Glad you didn't mention automobile manufacturers like Yugo, Kia, or Hyundia. Otherwise this digital discussion might reflect Down/Under-sampling?

I saw a new Toyota Pick-up with 1959 Cadillac style Fin rear light lens covers. Talk about coming full-circle?
Only thing I can't figure out is where's all the software for PC or Mac on dvd is,seeing it can hold so much more. Software seems to be an achilles heel in cdp too,as most consumers are happy with performance from it.We are the small crowd that's sidelined in a slower backwater.Hence recouping R&D for super duper cdp is tougher unless price is high.Looking at industries rooted in foward change slow or fast.I imagine it costs more to put manual windows in a automobile vs power with auto up/down.Soon they may not bother with keyed locks on all but the driver door. Less parts better look maybe security benefit.Back to audio, Sacd & Dvd-audio Multichannel hardware with modern powerful processing yet the software quality window is wide.(player internal software issues aside).Did you read Kieth Howard's article and testing of HiRez discs. Frank Sinatra and Allison Krauss . The Sinatra was mastered to HiRez via upsampling! Krauss and Steely Dan derived from 48kHz PCM masters!And an un-named high profile artists SACD sourced from 16bit/44.1kHz master!Industry behavior like that confuses potential adopters and destroys credibility of new advances.I imagine many cdp's are old wine in new bottles as well~IMO.
Redkiwi - I mentioned Moore's Law only because CDPs and DACs are most often mentioned as having very short product life-cycles compared to other gear due to evoloving technology. Since I just acquired a DAC, I was wondering what specifically is changing so quickly in Redbook playback that would cause a DAC to be obsolete in a year or two. And if the digital technology isn't evolving fast (we don't see DACs with newer more powerful processors to play larger CD software), then one would conclude that what separates the mediocore from the excellent products is execution of fundamental design principals and listening trials, not obsolete digital technology. Aren't these the same for non-digital components like amps, phono-stages, etc? And if so, than the life-cycle for well-designed digital gear should be about the same as for a well-designed preamp!

Viggen and Clbeanz - I agree about the wide-ranging quality in digital recordings, but the same can be said about analog, too. As for hi-rez formats being mastered from low-rez sources, well that's a different topic entirely. Sounds like the record companies are taking short-cuts to supply a new format.