Redbook+SACD Player to Replace Denon 5900?

I need some suggestions folks. I'm thinking about downsizing my system somewhat by getting rid of my Denon 5900 and going with a seperate DVD player and Redbook/SACD player. I don't care if it has DVD-A capability. I've even thought about forgoing SACD completely and just going back to Redbook.

My budget for the CD player is $1000 tops. If I decide to just go Redbook, the top contender on my list is a modded Jolida JD-100A, merely because I've owned a stock unit and loved the sound.

Does anyone have suggestions for me? My downstream equipment is mid-fi: Aragon Soundstage pre/pro, Sherbourn 5/1500A amp, Onix Rocket RS750 mains. Thanks in advance for your input.

Tvad: Excellent points. However, even though I recognize that I am taking somewhat of a chance (Dan's mods could blow), I do feel like I have made an informed decision, taking into account all that I have read and learned from others (including Dan Wright). Therefore, as I have convinced myself that a modded 5900 is a good way to go (which is not an easy task to do), I do feel comfortable recommending a similar route to others. For instance, if Dpippel sells his 5900 (at a loss, presumably), then buys another DVD player (even cheap one), by the time he picks up a quality CD player, it seems quite possible that he will have more money invested, overall, than if he had modded his 5900, and will have no better (and quite possibly worse) performance. And now he has two players, instead of one. So, if downsizing is his goal, I would think that keeping it to one player, and spending less money, but having improved performance, would be a good way to go. Hence, my recommendation.

That said, you are absolutely right that I will not have a complete picture until after I have had the modded 5900 in my system for some time. This is why I highlight the fact that I have not, indeed, had my 5900 in my system yet. The proverbial "grain of salt" should most certainly be added to my recommendations. However, I do think that there is some value to having other people share their thoughts on a subject that they, too, have considered in detail. And this is why I responded to this thread.

Later, Tom.
Impossible unless you have $10k or more to spend -- so why not get a good redbook player instead of jumping on Sony's bandwagon to nowhere? You can do that for as little as $900.
Nothing Rob, under 10K?

Anyway: Marantz, Classe, Musical Fidelity all make very good SACD/CD 2 channel players with redbook sound as good as it gets, and the usual extraordinary SACD, under 10K. Numbers are numbers dear, no matter how much voodoo is installed in the machine, redbook can only be resolved so much. BTW, can you explain to me...if Sony's bandwagon "goes to nowhere," how this with affect the brisk sales of Telarc SACDs, Naxos' SACDs Linn SACDs, Mobile Fidelity's SACDs, etc; your fixation on Sony is gettin' kinda weird. Yes, home theater geeks have bought up almost all 800 of Musical Fidelity's limited-edition $6500K SACD/CD players, but surely they aren't buying software, as it doesn't reconcile with your "reality." (Chailly's new Mahler 3rd in on back-order--sold out-- at Archiv as we speak--but no, you're right, it's a bandwagon to nowhere.) SACD may be 80% of vinyl, but it's better than 100% of 16bit PCM. Don't listen to such goofballs Dpipple, they absolutely don't want to recognise a superior sound in a technology that is elegantly simple and cheaper than Redbook machines with all their voodoo add-ons. It's like Gilligan got off the Island (the achievement of great sound without a lot of hassle), and some people feel 16- bit, er... I mean, empty inside.