Poor man's reference DAC

I am looking for a DAC in the $3000 range to match with my system. I am hoping for a reference DAC that I can later add a transport to once the funds are available. I know this price point is a little light for a reference DAC but it is what I can afford. I was going to buy the Birdland Odeon Ag with reclocker but once you open the door you start to find other items. I am interested in other views so I can start researching these DACs. The newest item I have read about is the Harmonix DAP-777. Very favorable reviews. Anything else out there that I should think about?

I have the following set-up:

Rowland Synergi IIi preamp
Rowland M201 mono amps
Meridian 588 CD player
CAL CL-10 multi disc player
B & W Nautalus 802 speakers
Audio Note Cerulean cables
Audio Magic power conditioners

I listen to vocalists mostly and accustic music. All reply are appreciated.
Let's see, 1/3 of the responces say Audio Logic. That is very encouraging. Has anyone ever used or heard a Harmonix DAP-777? I will look into the Audio Logic first and each of the other suggestion as well. What would you say the strengths of the Audio Logic are?
Where is there a review of the Audio Logic DAC and what is their homepage?

I know a lot of people that wish they were "poor enough" to be able to afford a $3K DAC. Where's the welfare line and how do we sign up??? Life must be tough just getting by with those "bare necessities" : ) Sean
You got to check out the perpetual technology dac. It is wide range of upgrades available to it. It is a very nice sounding dac. A great toe tapping dac.
The Benchmark I a great initial review in Stereophile and when JA did a follow-up he said it was almost as good as his reference Levinson. Seriously consider the recommendation about going with an all in one player. There are some great ones out there and it's something to seriously consider. I have the new Sony XA9000ES and it spanks my Perpetual P1/P3 stack.