Benchmark DAC-1 vs. Bel Canto DAC-2

Has anyone compared these two? (Or even heard both?) I am looking to purchase a DAC in the near future and am having a hard time deciding which one of these to go with. (I have found both for pretty much the same price new, so that is not a deciding factor) Unfortunately it is impossible for me to audition either of them. So I am coming to you guys for help!
If I am not mistaken I thought the Benchmark DAC-1 came with a 30 or 60 day return policy. Give that a try
I have the Benchmark but have not heard the Bel Canto. All I can tell you is that the DAC 1 sounds better than my Sony XA 777 ES on redbook even though the Sony is a highly rated $3000 player.
Now I am in the same situation. Any more comarison experience for these two DACs is appreciated.
Before I decided to purchase a non-os DAC (Audio Mirror at half the price and twice the performance of either of these) the Benchmark was my choice and I did listen to the Bel Canto as well. The Benchmark was smoother in many respects and I got to hear it in my system which was equally important.
I have compared them modded and unmodded. The DAC-1 wins hands-down IMO.