Cary 308T CD player Level Adjust.

I have a Cary 308T and use the tubed output stage on maximum pot level. It goes to my Rotel RC-1090 preamp which I use to do the volume adjustments.

My question is do you think I should set the Cary level to Max or less and a higher setting from pre amp?

I'll decide using my ears, but was wondering what others thoughts are.
That makes sense. I have noticed a much smoother sound, yet still keeping the detail at around 56. So I'm not completely crazy after all. haha.

Thanks for the input!
I tried the stock Jan tubes, some new Siemens, some new Mullard CVs. However, my favorite tubes were old, cyoed Amperex. What are you using?
I'm using Mullards. They sound smooth to me, but I haven't tried any others. I will have to get a hold of some Amperex to try out.