Any experience of Planet 2000 with Bel Canto DAC2?

I have been quite happy with my Rega Planet 2000 for the time it's been in my possession. It's very musical, warm, and most importantly, not bright: it goes well with my tastes in music which are mostly acoustic jazz, some 'progressive fusion' (I hate this choice of words) and some classical. My system includes an Adcom GFA-5500 and a VTL TL-2.5 with very neutral-sounding custom-made D'Appolito configuration 2-way bookshelf speakers on 23" metal stands (not yet filled with sand). I have recently been invited by a friend to hear his new Musical Fidelity DAC (with a Proceed transport): it really blew my mind. The highs were purer, the bass was tighter; overall, it sounded better. I know I can get more from this Planet in terms of overall sound, closer to reality if you will. I am considering pairing it with a Bel Canto DAC2 connected with an Analysis Plus Oval Digital cable (suggested by a friend). Has anyone mated the DAC2 to the Planet or the Planet 2000 (used as a transport)? Benefits? Gaps? Any suggestions on the Oval Digital?
Very encouraging indeed. I'm using Hero interonnects and 8TC "IBW" speaker cable (from Kimber Kable) all together in my system, except for a Cardas Golden Cross Phono with my MMF-7 turntable and my EAR 834P phono preamp: I love their neutrality.

I will keep on exploring the prospect. It sure sounds promising. Thanks for sharing.
My pleasure to comment! If you get a chance to try one, based on your preferences, you may really enjoy the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval interconnects. They're about $250 or so used for a 1m pair.

The Hero is a very timbrally pleasant sounding cable, but I think it attenuates high-frequency detail to some degree, and bass can be a little round when compared to dead neutral. This can make them sound on the "soft" side, and this makes them a very popular choice as a non-harsh sounding cable. For the pleasantness of the cure, however, some detail may be sacrificed.

The Analysis Plus should be a little tighter in bass, a little more neutral overall, and give more high-freq. detail without going so far as to sound shrill. I've definitely got a system (horns) where I notice "harsh" very quickly, and found the Analysis Plus to be just the right amount of detail without the harshness.

So along with the DAC (which would be a big upgrade, and the Bel Canto sounds like a good fit for your preferences), experimenting further with the interconnects could also yield some incremental improvements toward the sound you're looking for. At any rate, it doesn't cost much to try (as long as you don't step all the way onto the merry-go-round!)
Why match the Planet 2000 with a better DAC? According to what I've read what makes the Planet 2000 is its resident DAC, and not its transport. My opinion would be to purchase a better player if you've got the upgrade bug.

I'm using a Planet 2000 with a Plinius 8200, Soliloquy speakers, and Acoustic Zen cables with much success. At for what a 30 year old law student can afford..
Well, the upsampling feature of the DAC2 definitely SHOULD make the difference, I figure. I am willing to try and report later. I have located a used one in perfect condition and it should arrive very soon. Stay tuned.