my hearing is just okay, but right now my vpi aries and my cdp, while sounding different, both sound great. as far as emm goes, which sounds better on redbook- the meitner 6ch or 2ch dac?
what if emm labs comes out with a one-box cdp in a year or two? how is the build quality? what if you have service issues? what if emm labs disappears in a year or two?
what if someone mods a sony dvd player and it sounds astonishingly close to a meitner? j.atkinson of stereophile has heard a ton of systems, but still relaxes to his ml-30.6/31.5 cdp, which he cheerily admits is not the cat's meow anymore. oh, and i am certainly less than thrilled with buying "pre-production or 1st generation" audio.
but of course i still look forward to hearing the meitner gear and keeping an open mind.