should everyone just order emm?

i have levinson gear now, and it of course has been bested by
umteen transports and processors in the last 2-3 years. and now, without meitner, i may as well jump in a lake and swallow a snake. can the most rational fellow music lovers out there (no "asylum" cases please) explain how and why i/we should 1.go for any new major improvements NOW 2. wait for blue lasers(?) 3. buy more REDBOOK CD'S 4. clean off some of my old vinyl and relax to some leonard bernstein or some horowitz. 5. jump into the lake anyway having done all of the above. please advise. thanks so very much.
Ironically enough, I know how to spell obsolescence. Just not in my last post however. :-)
I've got a question. How does one acheive SACD playback with the Meitner gear? What transport is currently available which will link to the Meitner DAC for SACD playback? Another question: If Meitner has no plans for a "one-box" player, which "one-box" player is the best for SACD?
No one has answered your blue laser question yet. I will try, but please read this with a grain of salt. A lot of salt.

Blue lasers will be used to improve DVD's, not necessarily CD or SACD. DVD's right now do not compare well to an HDTV digital TV satelite signal, not enough information. Anyone with an HDTV that watches live HDTV feeds (football)will tell you it's incredible. DVD is a bit behind. People will start to notice the difference, and DVD players will need to be improved. Thus blue lasers.

There may also be a use for blue lasers in vinyl playback. Those tiny grooves contain a lot of information, some of which a stylus can't pick up. In theory a laser can. I can't remember the name of the company that makes a laser record player, DLP?, but they are looking at blue lasers.

Having said that, the only way to get better digital audio, is to have more digits, more information. I believe 'Fourrier Analysis' describe every sound as being comprised of an infinite number of sine and cosine waves?. Therefore the more information obtained, the more realistic the sound. You will likely see 'hard disk' high end audio before you see widespread blue light CD / SACD.

I think.

Please be easy on me. I have no technical information to back up my story.
I am using the modified Phillips transport, but I believe Emm Labs has now released their own transport.
Does this thread signal the end (or near end) of Wadia and/or Levinson hysteria? No? Yes?

I eagerly await the upcoming threads describing the soon-to-be-available $12,000 Meitner mods by third parties—to “really” bring out all those extra ounces of resolution (you know, the ones that weren't captured by the recording engineers in the first place) and, less we forget, blacker-than-black hole backgrounds—with great anticipation.

[Come on, I am just razing you EM&M folks, but you do know—IT WILL come to pass, don't cha.]
