My experiments
I live in a rural area, about 50 houses around my home. About 300 yards from my house is the HQ of local cable, telephone, and the internet providerÂs office.
My home theater system consists of AVA FET valve hybrid amplifier, an omega Star pre amplifier, 3 channel Power amplifier, Onkyo DVD player, Omega star DAC, EFE speakers, Monster 1000 HTS power surge protector and conditioner.
The picture quality and audio is lot better in the late night. .
I assumed the sub optimal audio and video in the day time is from power polluted power and cable TV signal.
I am interested in getting the audio quality during day time and evening.
I followed some of the suggestions
Cleaned the connectors, RCA plugs, metal prongs for the power plugs, speaker terminals etc with De Ox. Separated and spaced the cables, ICs with dowels, and foam spacers... Elevated all the cables from the carpet using Jeweler stands made up of ceramic about 4 inches from the ground.( available at Wal-mart during Christmas season.3 $).I connected
Digital and audio components- to different outlets. I purchased a separate digital power filter with 4outlets for 120 dollars from virtual mode to which I
Connected Cable TV box, TV, DVP player and DAC)
The audio portion improved with less background noise. But video image remained the same.
The new Cables, Composite for the video from better cables com did not help much, component cables from ZU megular improved the color saturation .Fine tuning with Avia video set up disc did not help much with graininess of the picture other wise did improve the color balance. I tried video coaxial cable noise filter and surge protection filter on the Monster 1000.It attenuated the sound.
I purchased a video noise filter from Virtual mode for 6 $.it improved some .Parts express also sells one for 9 dollars.
Using ferrite core on the cable company co ax cable made the picture dark. It did improve the picture a little when attached to the power cable TV digital box.
I checked the RF with a portable AM Radio tuned in between stations. The cable TV box and the DVD player produced more noise. I separated Digital and analog components on the rack and the Cable TV box went on the Top of rear projection TV away fro the analog components.
There is a definite improvement but not in the same league as the Picture at late night or the very impressive audio at mid night.
I purchased Blue circle 86 noise hound/pillows mark2 for 100 dollars each including shipping from a dealer at audiogon.
Connected them to the power outlets directly they do improve, no back ground noise, clearer, better definition, bass .more closer to the sound and video during the day and evening but not the same quality at 2 AM.
I do not want to change the power lines as I live in a rented house, but I will change the power plugs later.
I do not plan to spend S1699 for audiomagic magic stealth.
I am lookig for a cheaper solution.
Will continue later with my further experiments