Do you mean that the crackle doesn't happen when the DAC's optical digital input is used ("I have avoided this problem by switching the Museatex to optic settings, then switching back to Wire")? This sounds odd, because the phenomenon that I described is totally independent of what digital input is used. Like I said, a small crackle sound is normal, but in my experience it isn't as bad as what you're describing. Perhaps your amp's input sensitivity and/or your speakers' sensitivity is higher than mine, which is exacerbating the issue. However, I doubt this is the case given that there are many Museatex DACs in the field, and I've never heard of a "normal" unit behaving like this. I'd suggest three things:
1. Try using the DAC with a friend's CD player/transport, and see if the same problem occurs. This would at least rule out that it's related to the NAD's coax output.
2. It may turn out that your unit has a problem, like a bad servo circuit that's failing to null the DC properly. It's therefore a good idea to send John Wright an email. You'll find his contact info at www.museatex.com, and I've found him to be great to work with.
3. A properly functioning unit is going to exhibit the occasional mild crackle when the CLock engages. It's simply the nature of the beast. In the end, if it turns out there's nothing "broken" with the DAC but you just can't live with this issue, and turning down the volume when you change the disc is not a satisfactory solution, then perhaps this relationship wasn't meant to be.
Best of luck.
Do you mean that the crackle doesn't happen when the DAC's optical digital input is used ("I have avoided this problem by switching the Museatex to optic settings, then switching back to Wire")? This sounds odd, because the phenomenon that I described is totally independent of what digital input is used. Like I said, a small crackle sound is normal, but in my experience it isn't as bad as what you're describing. Perhaps your amp's input sensitivity and/or your speakers' sensitivity is higher than mine, which is exacerbating the issue. However, I doubt this is the case given that there are many Museatex DACs in the field, and I've never heard of a "normal" unit behaving like this. I'd suggest three things:
1. Try using the DAC with a friend's CD player/transport, and see if the same problem occurs. This would at least rule out that it's related to the NAD's coax output.
2. It may turn out that your unit has a problem, like a bad servo circuit that's failing to null the DC properly. It's therefore a good idea to send John Wright an email. You'll find his contact info at www.museatex.com, and I've found him to be great to work with.
3. A properly functioning unit is going to exhibit the occasional mild crackle when the CLock engages. It's simply the nature of the beast. In the end, if it turns out there's nothing "broken" with the DAC but you just can't live with this issue, and turning down the volume when you change the disc is not a satisfactory solution, then perhaps this relationship wasn't meant to be.
Best of luck.