Best Redbook player with XLR outs

Looking for top-shelf CDP to introduce into my current set-up: BAT 51SE, Ayre V-1x, Tara speaker cables to B&W N805. RCA not an option due to BAT pre. Budget is not fixed, but would like to stay under 4K used.
Thanks in advance for your opinions.
The Gamut CD1R (S or MkII) is an excellent player via the Balanced outputs as it is a fully balanced design. (single ended is a waste on this component) Very natural, extremely great deal with a $4000 retail new and used prices.

Very very natural (not digital sounding or stressed like some of the upsampling players (DCS,etc) that I have heard) with huge bass (The newer models listed above have this quality as they fixed the bass issue of the first unit review by the TAS) and soundstaging.

Not the latest Fast Action flavor of the month but I haven't heard anything on else on redbook to make me want to upgrade and that is saying something (Universal players on redbook have be pretty unmusical in my listening)
Meridian 588 is worth considering as well.

Head-to-head, I actually preferred it to ML390S (Rowland/Mac/Dynaudio/Cardas Golden Ref system... can't remember the exact models, but it was very, very nice). I had every intention of purchasing the Levinson box, but ended up w/ the Meridian. To my ears, it had a more balanced, "natural" quality to its presentation. The ML was a bit more forward and had a very analytical quality.

Could be system dependant, but I've been very happy w/ the 588 in terms of musicality!
