Best Redbook player with XLR outs

Looking for top-shelf CDP to introduce into my current set-up: BAT 51SE, Ayre V-1x, Tara speaker cables to B&W N805. RCA not an option due to BAT pre. Budget is not fixed, but would like to stay under 4K used.
Thanks in advance for your opinions.
Audio Aero Capitole has XLR outputs. I use these to run one apm in my office and I use the RCA outputs for another amp in my living room.
I also recommend the GamuT CD1R. I have enjoyed it for about 18 months. It seems to very accurately read and transmit the recordings. There is no digital grunge. The best recordings sound wonderful. As my other equipment gets better ie new deHavilland Mercury preamp, the music just gets more analog and realistic sounding. The GamuT is very refined and musical. It makes most red book CDs sound superb. I have no desire to replace it. The JVC XRCDs sound like a good vinyl reproduction. The XLR output has a different amp then the RCA output and is more open with better resolution on complex orhestration.
I failed to mention on my comments above regarding the GamuT, I use Cardas XLR RCA adapters to connect it to my deHavilland Mercury preamp, but still get the advantage of the amp used for the XLR output. I previously used the Pass X2.5 peamp totally balanced as is the GamuT which was an excellent combination.