why the best brands dont use hdmi?

y dont understand why lexicon, sunfire ,ead etc. does not have hdmi in their procesors .the lexicon mc 12b cost $10000 and not have hdmi.
I hear they will be out soon/ or maybe there is one or two out now---At big bucks tho.I think the cheaper way to go would be an outboard switcher----That is when they come out.---They will be here, just gotta wait.After the show we will all be more informed. Actually, I don't get running the digital audio to any display device---Then having to run an optical out of the device---to your receiver.
Anthem is promising HDMI switching upgrades in the next few months, the Denon flagship receiver has HDMI switching -- others will follow. I think many manufactureres have been waiting to see how the connectivity merry go round would shake out.

You don't have to send audio through HDMI.