Marantz DV-9500: Anyone Listened to it or Bought?

Hello all,
Has anyone listened to or bought one of these lately?
If so:
How did it sound on each of the formats?
How was the video?
Is it superior to the Marantz DV-8400 on each of the formats, and in what ways?
If so, is it a small improvement over the DV-8400 or a significant improvement?
Finally, how does it compare on all formats to other similarly priced players?
Thanks a million!
I just traded my 8400 in on the 9500 last week and the first impression is WOW the video is much better! I have early Panasonic Direct View 34" HDTV so I have no DVI or HDMI but will be changing that soon afetr the first of the year. I am using Tributaries SC component cables. The picture has much more definition , crisp edges and color acuracy. That was my complaint with the 8400, no depth. As for the audio the SACD images better on the 2 channel sound, the multi sounds slightly better. I get a little better "center focus" the same for the DVD-A. Overall I made a great decision in upgrading. The 9500 is about an inch taller and the connections in the back are spreadout a little more for easier connection. The one disapointment is the aluminum faceplate is gone. Marantz deemed the face plate made of plastic grained to resemble the alum faceplate used on the 83/8400 as a place to keep costs down. I would rather have paid a little more to get the aluminum. I suppose that it is a product of the Denon/Marantz marraige. Hopefully McIntosh won't pick up this cost cutting practice. But in comparison the the DVD5900 Denon the video on the 9500 is as good if not slightly better without the Faroudja chipset.
I wish to make a correction to my previous statement concerning the face plate on the DV9500. I was prompted after typing in my response to make a closer inspection of the faceplate. It is indeed aluminum but has a much better finish than the previously owned 83/8400s. It actually appears to be plastic but is just a much smoother and more polished finish than before. As the Who once sang I can only hope "won't get fooled again" my appologies to Marantz.
Dalton, you dont like your Onkyo SP1000? You just got it a week or so ago didnt you?

I was curious, with two coaxial outs it looked like a flexible solution for my HT. Do you think the Onkyo has a good transport? I was thinking a good DAC for two channel. Hence the two coaxial outs.

But.....I must admit I am also considering a one box solution. Such as a modded Denon 3910.
Yes I did purchase an Onkyo DV-SP1000 a couple of weeks ago.
The build, video, transport, and sound are all superb...BUT...after I let it break in for a couple of weeks, its just a tad too laid back sounding for my tastes.
Some people will love this quality because of its lack of harshness or brightness, and its outstanding smoothness.
I just personally like a slightly more forward, open, and slightly livelier sound. I used to own a Pioneer DV-47Ai.
The Onkyo has a smoother more laid back sound, and the Pioneer had a livelier and slightly more upfront sound. The SACD and CD performance is better overall on the Onkyo, but the Pioneer is better for DVD-Audio. The picture on the Onkyo is also slightly better.
I will probably sell the Onkyo and search for a unit that better suits my personal tastes in audio reproduction.
Hope this helps.