Sometimes Mapleshade Mikro Smooth can take care of very minor imperfections try this first, for deeper scratches recommend Novus 2 fine scratch remover followed by Novus 1 clean/shine. (Novus 1 may also work by itself)
Novus is extremely cheap, do google search and you can find automotive supply house selling Novus for $6-7 an 8oz bottle. Made specifically to clean, polish, remove scratches from plastics.
I don't like the Disc Doctors sold in video game depts wich will "sand" entire CD surface leaving fine scratches everywhere.....may fix skip but don't need all the other scatches left behind
Novus is extremely cheap, do google search and you can find automotive supply house selling Novus for $6-7 an 8oz bottle. Made specifically to clean, polish, remove scratches from plastics.
I don't like the Disc Doctors sold in video game depts wich will "sand" entire CD surface leaving fine scratches everywhere.....may fix skip but don't need all the other scatches left behind